(802) 503-7274
All prices listed are for individual services. If interested in group training or coaching or workplace wellness, please contact me for pricing as it is based on number of participants and sessions.
In this session we will dive into your goals in depth. I offer a variety of services that can help guide you to a well rounded healthy lifestyle. We will review your current lifestyle habits, health history and goals to ensure we are designing the most comprehensive plan to meet your individual needs.
Required for all clients prior to scheduling an in-person training session.
In this session we will get a complex breakdown of your current fitness levels. This is not meant to be a test, but a starting point that allows us to work together to design a program specific to not only your desires, but also your current fitness levels. We will assess body composition, cardiovascular health, muscular endurance and flexibility. Other goal specific testing may be indicated based on your individual needs.